

信義源起 History of SinYi


民國前三年七月二十四日本 地民眾利用運動會,掀起激烈的阿美族抗日運動。襲擊日本警察派出所,大舉包圍成廣澳支廳,殺死日警數人。日本統治者鑑於民眾頑強不踙羈,應速設置學校,著手教化,以平息抗暴事件發生。 民國元年十月,都歷、八翁翁、鹽濱三村落民眾,協助供應建材,在都歷派出所南側土地為校址,成立新港公學校都歷分校,收容兒童六十四人(限男生)開始上學。民國二年四月二日正式獨立設校,遷今校址,校名為都歷公學校,修業期限四年。民國三年四月收容大馬(今東河)、高原(今泰源)、佳里(今隆昌)三地學童來上學。民國十一年四月大馬分校獨立。民國二十六年十月,本校更名為新港庄都歷學校。民國三十年四月,本校更名為都歷國民學校,修業期限六年。民國三十四年十月台灣光復,本校改為台東縣成功鎮信義國民學校。民國五十七年配合國教延長九年義務教育政策,本校易名為台東縣成功鎮信義國民小學。



Brief History

Sinyi primary school built on 2, April, 1913 is a century-old School with long history. Sinyi primary school was located with the hill at the back and beside the Pacific Ocean. It has an area of 24,055 square meters. It’s governed by Chenggong Township. The Pacific Ocean lies to the east, the East Coast Mountains to the west, accompanied by the East Coast National Scenic Area and Sanxiantai Scenic Area to the North. The scenery of Duli is really unparalleled. The school address is No.58, Duli Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961, Taiwan (R.O.C.). From the north, the school district is including Ba-wong-wong, Fong- Tián, Sin- Cun, Siǎo- Mǎ and so on. Most residents are Amis and their jobs are based on agriculture and fisheries. People here live in a simple, hardworking and saving life.

學校特色 School Features


  1. 推展阿美母語教學:利用每週母語教學時間,指導學生學習自己的母語。
  2. 推展傳統技藝(竹籐編)(編織):培養學生藝術涵養,傳承優質文化藝術。
  3. 推展民俗藝術(傳統歌舞):利用社團活動時間,指導傳習民俗歌舞技藝。
  4. 發展棒球運動:成立(軟、硬)式少棒二隊,由學校教練及校友義工,利用課餘訓練。
  5. 發揚阿美族鄉土教育:積極運用鄉土教育中心提供學生、社區民眾及鄰近學校鄉土教育資源。

Development of School

  1. Promoting traditional Amis language courses:We teach students learning their native language weekly in the Amis language courses.
  2. Promoting traditional Amis skills (Bamboo Weaving):Cultivating student's artistry, also inheriting the high quality of art and culture.
  3. Promoting tribal folk dancing: Teachers instruct students traditional dancing skills during the club activities.
  4. Developing baseball program: We established a baseball team. Coaches and graduates train the players in school and after-school.
  5. Promoting the homeland education of Amis: We provide educational services and resources to students, community and schools around us by utilizing the Center of Heritage and Culture Education.


  1. 學校校園公園化。
  2. 教學設備現代化。
  3. 學校行政民主化。
  4. 校園氣氛和諧化。
  5. 教學品質細膩化。
  6. 教育績效卓越化。


  1. To make our campus surround by grass and trees.
  2. To construct the latest teaching and learning facilities.
  3. To build a democratic administrative organization.
  4. To build a free and open education system.
  5. To enhance teaching quality elaborately.
  6. To pursue academic excellence.


  1. 回歸教育本質,以學生全人教育為宗旨。
  2. 建立學習型校園文化,奠定終身學習的基礎。
  3. 發展小班教學的精神,落實教學型態。
  4. 推展阿美族傳統技藝教學,落實鄉土教育。
  5. 推動學校本位教師持續專業發展,讓教學品質精緻化、教育績效卓越化。
  6. 讓進到校園的信義孩童「不會變會、不行變行、不好變好」為最高教育宗旨!

Future Prospects

  1. Return to the essence of education, and the aim of education is to promote students’ whole person development.
  2. To establish learning style in school is the basis of lifelong learning.
  3. To conduct small class teaching and implement the program of study.
  4. To develop traditional skills teaching of Amis and conduct homeland education.
  5. To implement school-based curriculum and teaching profession development for enhancing teachers' professionalism.
  6. The significant goal is to make students get better in learning and well behaved in their life by teachers' accompany.

